How to Keep Your Hair Hydrated After Winter

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How to Rehydrate and Repair Your Hair After Winter

Winter can be a difficult season for hair. The cold air, dry heat from styling tools, and harsh winds can all take a toll on our tresses, leaving them dry, brittle, and generally in need of some serious hydration. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to use NatureLab Tokyo products to repair and keep your hair hydrated once winter is over.

Use a High-Quality Hair Mask Each Week

The first step in getting your hair back to normal after winter is to get it rehydrated. For this, you are going to need to take on a weekly treatment routine that gets your hair hydrated so that it can repair the damage. Using a hair mask makes sure your hair is protected and receives the proper hydration it needs.

It is important to use a high-quality hair mask on a weekly basis. Not only will this help keep your hair healthy, but it will also help add shine and vibrancy back into dull locks. Consider using the Perfect Repair Treatment Masque to restore dull hair and reduce damage.

Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of extra moisture that helps protect against winter weather. The most important part is to make sure you commit to a weekly routine so that you’re sure your hair is getting the TLC it needs to recover from the dry winter season. It's not enough to use a hair mask only once to protect your hair. A good post-winter hair care routine requires consistency to rehydrate and repair dry hair.

Daily Washing Tips for Oily Hair

While you want your hair to rebuild its natural oils to recover from dry seasons, having oily hair can also be a problem. Too much of those natural oils means your hair will have a lot of build-up on it that can stop it from absorbing moisture and nutrients. If you are not careful, it could drastically slow down how quickly your hair can recover.

You can’t just wash the oil out daily either. If you don’t take the proper steps to treat your hair, then you will wash out all of the oils and have dry, brittle hair. You need to take up a daily washing routine with the right products to remove excess oil while also protecting and remoisturizing your hair.

You should use a product like NatureLabs Tokyo’s Perfect Repair Shampoo & Conditioner Duowhen you wash your hair every day. These products work together to strip excess oil from your hair and scalp, fill them with the right level of moisture and nutrients, and add protective oils back in to protect your hair. You can use NLT’s Repair products every day without damaging your hair are causing the buildup that you see with other products.

Eat a Nutritious Diet for Healthy Hair

Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet is essential for healthy hair. Being dry for so long, your hair will struggle to absorb the nutrients that it needs for repairs until it is fully rehydrated. To compensate for this, you want to feed your hair the right nutrients on a regular basis so that it can absorb what it needs when it can.

Aiming to eat a variety of foods from all the food groups helps to ensure that your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs to help keep your hair healthy. Coming out of the winter months, it is important to try to rehydrate your entire body so that your hair can absorb and retain moisture. Over time, it will be able to maintain a better level of hydration without help, leading to the growth of fuller, more vibrant hair.

Apply a Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment

If your hair is dry and damaged, you need to protect it while it is being repaired. A moisturizing hair treatment can provide long-lasting protection against the harsh elements as the seasons change, helping to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny. It can also help repair any damage that may have been caused by the cold temperatures.

This type of treatment will replenish lost moisture and nourish your scalp while creating a barrier that locks in moisture and prevents further dryness. The Perfect Repair Leave-In Treatment is a luxurious foam formula that can condition your hair with rich oils and vegan keratin.

Check Out NatureLab Tokyo’s Full Line of Hydrating Hair Products

Now that winter is over, it's time to focus on repairing damage and preparing to grow luscious, vibrant hair. Rehydrating your hair is the first step toward making it healthier and look better. Thankfully, there are a few simple post-winter hair care tips you can follow to ensure that your hair is properly prepared for full growth in spring. NatureLab Tokyo makes it easy to keep your hair hydrated with high-quality natural hair products for hydration.

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